Fundraising during Lent; The enterprise challenge
Our whole school challenge relies on our Children & Young People using their enterprise skills in order to raise money during Lent. Each class receives a small amount of money and as a team, decides on the best way to spend the money given in order to make more for Charity.
Some ideas that pupils have undertaken include;
- Guessing the name of the soft toy
- Cake sales
- Guess how many sweets are in the jar
- Raffle
- Fundraising games
We also collect tins of food, toiletries and clothes which the Children & Young People donate to the following charities:-
- Revive, an independent community project providing support, services and advocacy to refugees and those seeking asylum.
- Cornerstone, a day centre providing services to vulnerable and disadvantaged adults.
Our young people in Post 16 also hold a charity event, with many different fundraising activities.
General Annual Fundraising
In the autumn term we put our ‘Faith Into Action’ and raise money for the MacMillan centre, Cornerstone and the St John Vianney School Fund. We also hold a ‘Harvest Festival providing food parcels donated by families to the local community.
In the spring term we raise money for CAFOD and vulnerable Children and Young People locally and across the globe. During the school year we have raised over £3000 to raise funds for overseas development through CAFOD, with classes selecting ‘World Gifts’ to purchase with the funds they raise.
In the summer term we raise money for the St John Vianney School Fund.
Throughout the year our Children and Young People are involved in many fundraising activities and events, including raising money for various charities and other worthy causes.