At Key Stage 4, enhanced opportunities for learners to experience a wide range of vocational opportunities are built into our provision and this is developed through a clear rationale for our Key Stage 4 and 5 vocational offer. Pupils at SJV undertake Entry Level 1- Entry Level 3 and Level 1 BTEC qualifications in a range of vocational activity.
These experiences are underpinned by a range of relevant and appropriately pitched, externally recognised qualifications, which are tailored to meet the needs of each Child and Young Person. These include Entry Level, Foundation Level and GCSE qualifications. Creative Studies and PE provide our Key Stage 4 learners with physical development opportunity and success in drama, food and Art subjects delivered from Key Stage 3. PSHE is particularly focused on next steps, preparation for adulthood and our external Information and Guidance programme supports learners who may transition from SJV at the end of Key Stage 4.
Additionally, learners will begin to explore the world of employment through a series of visits to places of work in and around Greater Manchester; with a broad focus, this is aimed at providing a wide range of taster experiences across a diverse number of business and service areas. These visits are complemented by personalised work experience opportunities with our partners at UA92, CAFT, Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning, Wardley Hall, the Salford Diocese Centre and in local organisations who can offer us other ‘world of work’ experiences.
Curriculum Breakdown at Key Stage 4
- 4 lessons Maths
- 4 lessons English
- 2 lesson Science
- 2 lessons PSHE
- 2 lesson ICT
- 2 lessons PE
- 1 lesson week review and Celebration
- 3 lessons RE
- 2 lessons Creative Studies
- 1 lesson History/Geography
- 5 lesson Vocational Learning
- 2 lessons Enrichment
For more information please contact our Key Stage Coordinator;- Mr S Donovan