At Key Stage 5 the intention is to provide a unique Post 16 experience for the group of learners who elect to stay within the SJV family.
Curriculum experiences are designed around enhanced independence, vocational opportunity and enterprise activities, which really prepare our learners for adulthood.
Our vocational learning offer is explored further in Post 16, providing each learner with specialist opportunities that were introduced in Key Stage 4. Here we extend the BTEC vocational qualifications that were achieved in KS4.
Again specific activities around work skills, community based activity and social enterprise complement the delivery of Functional Skills in English and Maths in the Key Stage.
Where possible, students are given valid work experience opportunities where they can balance their curriculum activities with sessions in the work place, supporting learner aspirations and forging links with employers. These links have provided our learners with volunteer opportunities, part time jobs and more recently full time apprenticeship opportunities to support their transitions from school to adulthood.
Curriculum Breakdown at Key Stage 5
- 3 lessons FS Maths
- 3 lessons FS English
- 2 lessons PSHE
- 2 lessons ICT
- 2 lessons PE
- 1 lesson week review/celebration
- 2 lessons RE
- 3 lessons Work Experience
- 3 lessons GCSE Photography
- 3 lesson D of E and life skills
- 2 lesson Vocational Learning
- 2 lesson Preparation for Adulthood
- 2 lessons Community Activity and Citizenship
For more information please contact our Key Stage Coordinator;- Mr N Kanakides