The Purpose of Intervention
- To give children and young people a safe place to talk about their worries or feelings.
- To help children and young people develop strategies in managing emotions.
- To help children and young people build confidence and self-esteem.
- To help children build friendships within a group.
- Give children information on keeping safe in the community and online.
Typical Activities
- One to one sessions.
- NSPCC PANTS workshop- teaching children how to keep safe from sexual abuse.
- Expect Respect workshop- teaching children about healthy relationships.
- Healthy Mindset for Super Kids- providing young people with life skills in regards to emotional well-being.
- Super Skills for Life- helping children to develop skills in managing anxiety.
- Friendship Groups- giving children skills to develop and maintain friendships.
Key Benefits to the Children and Young people
- Improve emotional health and well-being.
- Provide children with knowledge around keeping safe and agencies that offer support outside of school.
- Improve confidence and self-esteem.
- Providing young people with a safe place to talk about feelings.
- Supporting children to build on skills in managing emotions and behaviours.