Ofsted 2023

“St John Vianney School continues to be a good school.”

— Ofsted, 2023

The following quotes are taken from our most recent inspection reflecting the many successes of the inspection.

The full Ofsted report can be viewed here: OFSTED Report 2023

“Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are happy and proud to be a part of the St John Vianney family.”

“Staff have high expectations of pupils. They know every pupil well and support them to achieve and behave well. Every individual is valued for who they are. Respect and equality are core values in school.”

“Pupils feel safe in School.”

“Pupils describe the school as ‘a second home’.”

“Leaders have designed a broad and exciting curriculum that meets the special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) of all pupils in the school well.”

“Pupils achieve well.”

“Every opportunity is taken to encourage pupils to read. Poetry has inspired pupils to write and recite their own poems.”

“There is a consistent approach to managing pupil’s behaviour in school. Pupils learn how to regulate their emotions and manage their own behaviour.

“Leaders have ensured that pupils’ personal development is as important as their academic, vocational and technical education.”

“The school’s personal, social and health education programme is well designed.”

“Pupils and students in the sixth form have a wide range of enrichment activities to enjoy at school. They have many opportunities in and out of school to learn new skills or develop their interests and talents.”

“Pupils love the many trips and residential activities that they attend.”

“The majority of staff feel that leaders are considerate of their workload and well-being.”

“There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. Staff have a secure understanding of how to keep pupil safe.

“Pupils learn how to stay safe, including online and in the community.”

Ofsted, 2023

Quotes from previous inspections

“You and your staff have immense pride in the school. You have an unquestionable commitment to providing an environment in which the young people who attend feel safe and make good progress in their learning.”

“Leaders have a clear understanding of the strengths and areas for improvement in school because they know the staff and pupils well. Governors know their school well because of the information that they receive from leaders and staff.”

“The quality of teaching is a strength of the school. Teachers have high expectation of pupils from key stage 1 to the sixth form.”

“Appropriate training in specialist areas of nurture and autism ensures that teachers and teaching assistants have well-developed skills and strategies. This enables them to meet the challenging needs of pupils effectively when they arise.”

A comment received through Parent View: “I have nothing but praise for this school and every teacher, teaching assistant and partner to the school. I feel privileged that my son is getting everything he needs in such a stable establishment. All I can say is thank you for being a part of our family.”

Ofsted, 2017

Associated documents

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Key School Documents & Policies.
Latest term dates and holidays.
How we allocate funding received for Pupil Premium children.