Each academic year, schools are required to publish how many pupils within their Year 6 cohort are meeting the national swimming curriculum requirement. Children should be able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations.

SJV Swimming Performance

At present we have no children of Year 6 age in school.

Swimming and water safety are essential skills for our CYP and we continue to provide weekly swimming lessons for pupils in lower KS3 and for a group of Post 16 learners, at our local Sports Centre in Stretford. The Swim teaching team there, support our CYP in developing a range of swim strokes and securing an understanding of how to be safe in the water. The range of ability in the pool is vast, but the small groups and excellent teacher-pupil ratios provide significant opportunities for each learner to make good progress in their lessons. Pupils enjoy these opportunities each week, which compliment their wider PE activities. This year we 4 classes attending lessons at Streford Leisure Centre; a total of 36 pupils each week.

Progress is tracked through the ‘Swimphony’ software programme, so we can identify the needs of pupils and celebrate their achievements during swimming activity. We have a number of pupils who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. Additionally, pupils can use a range of strokes and are developing water safety skills in the pool.

The Swimming instructors continue to support our CYP in aiming for the national swimming expectations.

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Key School Documents & Policies.
Latest term dates and holidays.
How we allocate funding received for Pupil Premium children.