Pupil Premium Funding- Background
The Pupil Premium grant provides funding for 2 national drivers; raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential and supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces.
The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between disadvantaged pupils and their peers, by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
In most cases the Pupil Premium for SJV is allocated to LEAs and is clearly identifiable. It is for the School however to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent. Schools are held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families.
Pupil Premium funding is allocated to Schools on the basis of the number of pupils who meet the funding criteria-
- The fund ranges from £1455 for pupils in year groups reception to Year 6, recorded as Ever 6 Free School meals, to £1035 for pupils in Years 7-11, recorded as Ever 6 Free School Meals (FSM).
- The fund for Looked After Children (those in care in an English Local Authority or those no longer in care because of adoption or special guardianship/residence orders) is £2530.
- The fund for those children of parents in the forces/services is an additional £335.
What do SJV Use Pupil Premium For?
At SJV we identify additional support strategies to enable every pupil, however financially disadvantaged, to:
- Facilitate full access to education and the wider curriculum.
- Access alternative support and intervention within the School.
- Improve their levels of progress and attainment
- Close attainment gaps relative to school averages
- Have full access to the curriculum
- Access extra-curricular provision
- Improve attendance
- Improve confidence, self-esteem and emotional well-being concerns.
St John Vianney is committed to ‘Narrowing the Gap’ between vulnerable children and young people and Pupil Premium Funding forms a vital part of this process. The Headteacher and SLT, will maintain an ongoing programme of support for socially disadvantaged pupils, which will be subject to the oversight of the Governors’ Pupil Progress Committee.
How does SJV Use Pupil Premium?
Different strategies have been used in School to support our pupils. The scope and range of activity is wide. Annual plans are constructed according to emerging needs of the cohort and the individual pupil.
These include but are not limited to:
- Individual and group educational support
- Counselling and Emotional Well Being provision
- Music and wider therapeutic opportunities
- Family support and liaison
- Behaviour support
- Literacy development opportunities
- Educational trips and visits
- Peer mentoring opportunities
- Drama production and theatre workshops
- The individual and bespoke needs of the child and young person
- Learning and sensory resources
Impact of Pupil Premium
The initial impact of this funding has been to support and enhance our existing intervention strategies for pupils who would otherwise have been disadvantaged and this has allowed them to experience the full range of opportunities offered.
The School is looks closely at the evidence identified by the Education Endowment Foundation into the value of intervention activities to ensure its use of the Pupil Premium is adding real impact to the pupils who are entitled to Pupil Premium Funding.
We have appointed a Pupil Premium Champion in January 2019, who after receiving relevant training in spring leads the School’s Developmental Action Plan to maximise the impact of Pupil Premium Funding in School.
The process will allow increased rigour in the tracking of funding and identifying the impact of the interventions used with each child and across the cohort.