SEND Learning at SJV.

‘St John Vianney have an unquestionable commitment to providing an environment in which young people feel safe and make good progress……Teaching Assistants are highly committed and skilled practitioners.’ Ofsted
St John Vianney RC Special School sits geographically in Trafford’s LEA, but is a Diocesan managed school. As a non-maintained School we are governed by the Diocese of Salford Trustees, who delegate their authority to the Governing Board. We are the only Special School in the Diocese of Salford and as such have a unique offer and status. All the children and young people of St John Vianney have EHCPs and we work with many different LEAs, in providing bespoke provision for their learners. Children and young people currently attend our School from Salford, Trafford, Manchester, St Helens, Cheshire East, Stockport and Tameside. The learners present a range of needs and the School has an excellent reputation of providing appropriate and effective support and guidance for its children and young people. The School is nationally accredited for its excellent ASC provision.
At St John Vianney School we are committed to providing warm, caring relationships and stimulating opportunities so that the children and young people are happy and engaged in their School. We believe that children need to become ‘learners for life’ to reach their full potential and so the curriculum and the teachers in School are key to achieving this.
Ensuring your child is prepared for success is at the heart of all we do at St John Vianney. Our highly experienced and creative teaching staff use a range of teaching and learning strategies, to engage all pupils in the learning process. Staff have the highest expectations of all our pupils and high quality support and intervention is provided to support each pupil on their learning journey. St John Vianney recognises that each pupil has a unique learning style and particular attention is given to the requirements of each individual.
The curriculum is taught using a variety of multi-sensory approaches to help meet the needs of individual pupils, including those on the Autistic Spectrum. Specialist additional support is provided through our on-site Therapists, in a range of disciplines, to give every child and young person, every chance of success.
We aim as a School to provide an excellent education for children and young people attending; firmly within the teachings and embracing fully the Catholic faith. We are an inclusive school – children and young people of all faiths are a vital part of our community. Ensuring that our unique offer is fully inclusive to all at SJV is central to our mission and for many of our children and young people, and their vulnerabilities, the School is a refuge in which they feel confident to flourish. Prior to their arrival at St John Vianney, many children and young people have experienced significant difficulties in mainstream settings. Our ability to provide a successful environment for their holistic development, underpinned by our catholic ethos is tangible.
The staff and Governors are committed to creating a happy and safe environment, where children and young people enjoy their learning, have high self-esteem and achieve success in the wider expectations of their SEND needs. They are supported to develop positive life skills and have high aspirations. To create such a school we offer a positive, can-do atmosphere with a rich curriculum, delivered through strong teaching by dedicated and talented staff. The School provides highly effective pastoral support and a nurturing environment, where children and young people are encouraged to develop a sense of personal responsibility. Critical to our work is our preparation for fulfilment of life beyond the School.
Our children and young people arrive in School with a variety of life experiences, which helps make our School a tolerant and outward-looking place; firmly rooted in our Catholic identity. We aim to create a haven of success and achievement. Our faith commitment shapes the daily life of the School for all children, young people and staff and the Catholic faith is experienced and explored by all in School.
For further information please contact our SENCo Ms K Nesbitt.