St John Vianney RC School Post 16 Learning

Our Post 16 young adults are taught in purpose built Sixth Form classrooms and teaching spaces. Currently we have 14 students attending Post 16, who are all provided with the support and learning to prepare them for the world of work and life as an adult in their own community.

Emphasis is placed on improving English and mathematics, alongside vocational and work related learning opportunities.

Students are encouraged to focus on a number of core skills areas:

  • Work related skills
  • Vocational skills
  • Preparation for Adulthood
  • Enterprise learning

Sixth Form Curriculum

At KS5 the intention is to provide a unique post 16 experience for the group of learners, who elect to stay within the SJV family. Curriculum experiences are designed around enhanced independence, vocational opportunity and enterprise activities, which really prepare our learners for adulthood. Our vocational learning offer is explored further in Post 16, providing each learner with specialist opportunities that were introduced in KS4. Again specific activities around work skills and community based activity and social enterprise complement the delivery of Functional Skills in English and Maths. These activities are complemented by work placement opportunities developed collectively or bespoke for individual students.

Our three year programme aims to support our students to:

  • Improve their English, and maths and secure appropriate qualifications.
  • Understand their faith in the context of our Catholic mission and values.
  • Develop life skills and work skills by doing independent living activities, volunteering, mentoring and enrichment activities on a weekly basis.
  • Undertaking a range of work based activities to prepare for opportunities to engage in employment for when they leave us at SJV.
  • Gain vocational experience and qualifications by learning in a range of vocational activities
  • Achieve the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award

Full details of our Sixth Form curriculum can be viewed here: Link to KS5 page in Curriculum  


Any Parents/Carers who would like to further consider a place for their Child should contact the school SENCO, Miss Nesbitt, who will readily discuss their potential for attending St John Vianney School in the future.

Our Post 16 Expectations    

Students need to:

  • Be motivated, keen to learn and willing to take direction and support.
  • Want to become an independent adult, who is keen to embrace opportunities.
  • Be able to access public transport independently, be working towards independent travel in year 11 or have a desire to be able to travel independently in the future.
  • Have at least *90% attendance for the last full academic year

(*certain exceptions may be made, for example medical/bereavement etc.) 

Discover more

Key School Documents & Policies.
Latest term dates and holidays.
How we allocate funding received for Pupil Premium children.