The School day at St John Vianney starts when our pupils arrive from 9 am.
Lessons and class activities start from 9.15 am, where pupils are welcomed into their class areas and are supported within their class teams. Pupils are quickly engaged in activities, whether that be ‘wake up and shake up’ physical activity, assemblies or Form Time reflections before our formal timetabled lessons begin at 9.30 am.
Lessons are 40 minutes long and all children have 6 lessons each day. All children have a play break of 15 minutes in the morning and our Key Stage 2 children have an additional break in the afternoon. Lunchtime is 45 minutes long and is split, to support the provision and availability of hot meals for lower school and upper school pupils.
All classes have additionally 25 minutes of daily Literacy activity, usually after lunch and additional time is built in at the end of the day to provide reflection and class based learning in form rooms.
School finishes for most pupils at 3.15pm each day. However, some children stay behind to participate in additional extra curricular activities.
A highlight of our week in school is the special ‘Celebration Assembly’, which takes place in the Chapel each Friday afternoon, celebrating the successes of the whole school community together weekly.