St John Vianney School is a healthy school. Eating well is very important for our children and young people’s health. A balanced lunch will increase concentration during lessons and help our pupils to cope with demands during the school day, therefore maximising their learning potential.
Why should I choose school meals for my child?
Choosing our healthy school meal option takes away the burden of preparing a varied and nutritionally balanced packed lunch. You can rest assured that with the wide variety of school meal choices available every day, that your child will be able to choose something that they enjoy from our menus.
We would also like to reassure you that:
- Our fully trained catering staff prepare the school meals, using fresh ingredients daily.
- We will cater for special dietary needs; please inform the school office should your child have any food allergies.
We organise our lunch menus on a 6 week rotation and have a separate 6 week menu for both warmer and colder weather. The children and young people choose their lunches, for the following week, in class registration on a Wednesday morning.
Our lunch menus are available to download at the bottom of this page along with a selection form should you wish to fill this in with your child.
How to Pay
We kindly ask that you pay for your child’s school meals in advance either weekly, monthly or termly. We accept payment by cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to : St John Vianney School.
How Much?
When | Amount to pay |
Weekly | £10.00 per week |
Autumn Term | £144.00 |
Spring Term | £134.00 |
Summer Term | £102.00 |
Annually | £380.00 |
Register for free school meals to help out your school
Registering for free meals could raise an extra £1,300 for your child in school, to fund valuable support like extra tuition, resources and equipment, additional teaching staff or after school activities. This additional money is available from central government for every child whose parent is receiving one of the welfare benefits listed in the form. It is therefore important to sign up for free school meals, so that we receive as much funding that is available to support your child at school.
Information is available on how to apply on the Government website