IPAD Training Programme
Working in partnership with family fund we will deliver an annual workshop on ‘How to make the most of your IPad’. The training supports parents and carers in working with their children to utilise the learning programmes and Apps available to them using IPad technology.
Manchester City’s Healthy Lifestyle Programme
City in the Community Lifestyle coaches deliver a 6 week programme within the school working alongside Parent/Carers and their child.
Each session is 90 minutes long and is designed to encourage children to make healthy choices from an early age, by supporting families to develop their skills and confidence when preparing and cooking meals. Across the 6 weeks the pupils/parents/carers will take part in nutritional workshops, practical cooking workshops and light physical activities.
The Department for Work and Pensions will offer parents a drop-in service within school, to offer support and advice, to Parent and Carers regarding Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
To access any of these programmes please contact Mrs J Griffin, our Family Liaison Officer via the school office.
Zones of Regulation
Our Zones of Regulation online course for parents and carers is now available.
This course will introduce to you the ten concepts of the Zones of Regulation. The aim is to encourage the consistent use of language at school and at home to help regulate your child/young person’s emotions and behaviours. Each module will contain activities for you to do at home and introduce some strategies for you to use.
This online course will run over ten weeks and each short module will be sent out every Friday via email, it can also be accessed below.
If you would like some more information about this course, please contact Miss M Rodgers, Assistant Headteacher, via the school office.
Course Modules
Click on the relevant course below to open the module: