Riding the Rapids
‘Riding the Rapids’ parenting programme; this is a 10 week course for Parents/Carers of children who have a diagnosis of Autism and /or severe learning disabilities. The course aims to help Parent/Carers to understand and manage challenging behaviours in their children.
Research shows that Parents/Carers who attend Riding the Rapids can:
- Make effective changes to their child’s behaviour
- Increase their coping skills and confidence in dealing with behaviour
Riding the Rapids was developed in Manchester by the Clinical Service for Children with Disabilities. It has been researched by the Social Policy and Research Unit at the University of York and shown to be highly effective.
Each weekly session covers a different aspect of understanding and managing the behaviour of children with Autism or another disability.
During the academic year we aim additionally to deliver the ‘Primary Years’ and the ‘Teenage Years’ Programmes, when this is required.
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